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Stanley NC Dentist Ronald M. Cox DDS
Ronald M. Cox, D.D.S.
115 East College Street
Stanley, NC

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fluoride For Every Age

Fluoride: A Shield for Your Teeth

For over half a century, the oral health care benefits of fluoride have been accepted without question. Unfortunately, most people assume that the fluoride they get from their toothpaste and tap water is adequate for their needs. This is not always the case.

Controlling Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity to both hot and cold effects 25% of all adults at one time or another. Often, such sensitivity is due to receding gums, which expose the formerly protected root surface. Sensitivity will also sometimes occur following root planing, scaling, or other gum treatment procedures.

Fortunately, relief from sensitivity can be just a visit to your dentist away. In fact, many products have been developed to control sensitivity. Some provide pain relief while doing nothing to protect exposed areas from cavity development. Fluoride-based products are usually preferred because they also provide protection from cavities.

Side Effects From Medicine:

Many prescriptions medications can affect saliva flow and increase a patients rsh of dental infection. (Consult your dental professional regarding your specific medication.) Fluoride helps protect against decay.

Adults and Cavities

Fluorides are, of course, beneficial for children, but many adults also suffer from problems for which fluoride may also be the answer. A recent National Institute of Dental Research survey reported that adults had an average of 23 decayed and filled tooth surfaces. Recurrent or secondary decay around fillings represents a major dental problem. Surveys find that 40-50% total adult fillings are done to replace existing fillings.

As we grow older, many of us suffer from gum recession. This means root surfaces become exposed. The incidence of root caries in the adult population is steadily increasing. Fluoride treatments can be the answer for you. Research shows that properly applied fluoride blocks cavities by forming a more acid-resistant surface layer. It can even reverse (remineralize) early forming cavities (white spots).
Children and Cavities

Children often get cavities due to poor home care habits. They forget to brush after breakfast or before bed and when they do brush, they rarely clear plaque from all tooth surfaces. Rarely will children floss effectively. Children wearing orthodontic appliances like braces face an additional burden to keeping their tooth surfaces cavity-free. Fortunately, the extra protection offered by fluoride treatments can counter these threats and reduce the rish a child will develop cavities.

How do I Find Out More?

If you are concerned that you may be at risk and think fluoride treatment might help, ask your dentist or hygienist. If they believe fluoride will benefit you, they have have a wide variety of fluoride treatment options to help you; some preformed by your dental team at their office and others are done by you at home. Trust your dental professional to recommend the most appropriate treatment for your specific needs.

Questions about Fluoride?
Give us a call at 704-263-8845
Ronald M. Cox, DDS
Visit our dental site at http://coxdds.com

Friday, November 1, 2013

Give Yourself a Holiday Smile

A beautiful while smile is no longer just for the rich and famous.   White, beautiful teeth are the first thing that people notice about you.   Making a memorable impression will boost  and give you more self confidence.

Remember the makeover shows on TV?  Once a patient receives dental implants next comes a whiter smile.  How wonderful the recipient feels.   It’s a new day with a new and improved smile!    Ronald M. Cox, DDS specializes in:

Call us directly at  704-263-8845

Visit our dental site at http://coxdds.com